לוגו קציר הנדסה מחקר ופיתוח

Prototype Product DesignConsulting Manufacturing

Katzir Enginering - Product Development

Katzir Engineering specializes in the research and development of: propulsion systems, vehicles, sports products, machinery, plastic products, shielding, gaming facilities, display stations, computer stations, constructions and more. We provide accompaniment throughout the project including production supervision and quality testing. We have extensive experience in military regulation, automotive, sports goods.

From idea to product

Research and market surveys SRR
Research and market surveys SRR
Sketches, 3D models, simulations SDR
Sketches, 3D models, simulations SDR
Mechanical and electronic Design | Product Design – PDR / CDR
Mechanical and electronic Design | Product Design – PDR / CDR
Calculations and analysis
Calculations and analysis
Prototype – Manufacturing and Construction
Prototype – Manufacturing and Construction
Consulting and improving engineering processes
Consulting and improving engineering processes

We accompany the entire project from its inset until it is delivered to the customer in all its stages, including production and assembly. We are also assisted by professional subcontractors (who have accompanied us for years) under our strict supervision! In Israel and abroad 

Whether you only need a consultation or even just an hour of consultation or a consultation, we are always available for any request. 

A patent is a legal right granted to an invention owner for a specified period of time. The owner of the invention is motivated by patenting the copying and/or use of the invention without approval. 

  1. Performing the characterization of the product and assisting in making an economic feasibility decision.
  2. Developing your idea for a finished product.
  3. Close accompaniment at all stages of production, manufacturers, suppliers and construction of a business plan.

Comes from the word package, is a unique envelope or packaging for electronic devices that protects against physical or electrical damage to cards and electronic devices.

Multidisciplinary Product Development

We will accompany you at all stages of the product development process , from dream to reality. We will monitor and monitor and budget the dream throughout all stages of the project. The research and development stage is a long and challenging stage, with joint work between mechanical engineers and engineers and experts in the fields of project. Together they aim to reach the optimal product, focusing on the requirements of the product and the customer and of course the budget!

Mechanical planning is a very important and central part of the entire process and it is the one that brings all areas together into one “box”.

פיתוח מוצר ב CNC - קציר הנדסה
תכן מכני - קציר הנדסה
פיתוח מוצר מולטידיסיפלינרי
זיווד אלקטרוני מה זה?
פיתוח מוצרי פלסטיק

Development Research and Engineering

Research and Studies

We at Katzir Engineering believe that before each journey: we need to explore the terrain and plan our way. Whether to conduct market surveys, analyze the target audience, test competing products, register patents and more.

Product Design

Product design – by using a team of engineers and designers to bring your idea to reality. Engineers will design your product in 3D imaging programming, perform calculations, and at the end of the process provide a production portfolio.

Process improvement and Engineering consulting

Your engineering team is busy. We also provide engineering documentation for existing projects: product portfolios and production portfolios. You’ve designed a product and want to improve it? We’ve been here with over a decade of experience.

Prototype and Mass production

Not only will you find engineering design, we also accompany and manufacture prototypes and shelf products for our customers with the help of professional sub-suppliers. Don’t forget at the end – the cake is on us!

Thomas Edison

".. To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk .."



תכן הנדסי - קציר הנדסה - בית התפוצות
תכן מכני - קציר הנדסה - בית התפוצות
Leading through innovation

Product Development and Design

3D Design
target audience
Product design

Do Not Hesitate To Consult Us For Any Problems.


    TEL :+972774371895

    Product Development
    Mass Production
    Electronic Packaging
    Design Review